Table 4.
Case | INDEX PREGNANCY | Inter- delivery Interval (month) |
Weeks of Gestation |
Indication | Incision | Birth weight (gm1) |
Complications | Weeks Gestation |
Intrapartum Risk Factors |
Birth weight (gm1) |
Obese | Complications | ||
1 | 21 | Preterm PROM1, cord prolapse, malpresentation | Low transverse | 312 | Perinatal stillbirth | 13 | 382 | 1814 | .3 | Maternal hemorrhage, obstetric injury, respiratory complication, retained placenta Neonatal respiratory disease |
2 | 22 | Preterm labor, puerperal infection, cord prolapse | Classical | 454 | Neonatal death, low Apgar4 | 12 | 34 | 2098 | Yes | Maternal placental abruption, obstetric injury, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal ventilation, umbilical vessel catheterization, respiratory disease, jaundice |
3 | 24 | Puerperal infection, previa with hemorrhage, cord prolapse, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 623 | Maternal anemia, transfusion, retained foreign body Neonatal death, low Apgar3, ventilation, umbilical vessel catheterization, cutaneous hemorrhage |
20 | .3 | . | .3 | Maternal anemia, transfusion Perinatal stillbirth |
4 | 24 | Puerperal infection, placental abruption, abnormal fetal heart rate | Classical | 695 | Neonatal death, low Apgar3, ventilation | 12 | 36 | 3385 | Yes | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage, transfusion, puerperal infection, ileus, failed operative vaginal delivery Neonatal ventilation, hemolytic disease, jaundice, respiratory disease |
5 | 25 | Preterm PROM1, malpresentation | Classical | 822 | Neonatal death, respiratory disease, ventilation, umbilical vessel catheterization | 13 | 36 | 2665 | No | Maternal obstetric injury Neonatal temperature dysregulation, hypoglycemia, jaundice observation for infection |
6 | 25 | Preterm labor, puerperal infection, oligohydramnios, malpresentation | Low transverse | 790 | Neonatal ventilation, retinopathy, anemia, jaundice | 63 | 38 | 3075 | No | Maternal obstetric injury | |
7 | 25 | Puerperal infection, hypertensive disorder | Classical | 595 | Maternal pulmonary edema Neonatal death, ventilation, umbilical vessel catheterization, necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, feeding problems, jaundice, electrolyte disturbance |
22 | 38 | 3275 | No | Maternal wound complication | |
8 | 26 | Preterm labor, puerperal infection malpresentation | Low transverse | 709 | Neonatal low Apgar3, ventilation | 56 | 223 | Intraamniotic infection | 1219 | No | Maternal placental abruption, puerperal infection, obstetric injury Neonatal ventilation, respiratory disease, pneumonia, parenteral nutrition, metabolic acidosis, fluid overload, electrolyte disturbance, jaundice |
INDEX TERM CASES | |||||||||||
9 | 37 | Oligohydramnios malpresentation | Low transverse | 2807 | 33 | 38 | 2892 | No | |||
10 | 37 | PROM1, hypertensive disorder, malpresentation, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3334 | 31 | 38 | 3502 | No | Maternal wound complication, abnormal fetal heart rate | ||
11 | 37 | Abnormal fetal heart rate, failed operative vaginal delivery | Low transverse | 4110 | Neonatal ventilation | 55 | 38 | Induction | 3666 | No | |
12 | 37 | Previa with hemorrhage | Low transverse | 3543 | 22 | 41 | Induction | 3968 | No | Maternal obstetric injury, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal hypoglycemia, observation for infection |
13 | 38 | Labor dystocia, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 2775 | Neonatal feeding problems, jaundice | 30 | 36 | 3655 | .3 | Placenta previa with hemorrhage Neonatal respiratory disease, observation for infection |
14 | 38 | Labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3713 | Neonatal respiratory disease, observation for infection | 15 | 37 | 3090 | No | Maternal hemorrhage, transfusion, obstetric injury, hysterectomy, bladder injury, respiratory complication, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal ventilation |
15 | 38 | Hypertensive disorder, suspected macrosomia, labor dystocia | Low transverse | 4054 | Maternal hemorrhage Neonatal temperature dysregulation, observation for infection, spinal tap |
21 | 38 | Induction, labor dystocia | 3883 | .3 | Maternal hypertensive disorder, complication of anesthesia, respiratory complication, vascular complication |
16 | 38 | PROM1, puerperal infection, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3742 | Neonatal respiratory disease, hypoglycemia | 25 | 39 | 3572 | No | Neonatal temperature dysregulation | |
17 | 38 | Labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3798 | Neonatal patent ductus arteriosus | 44 | 40 | 3402 | No | Maternal anemia, obstetric injury, abnormal fetal heart rate | |
18 | 39 | Low transverse | 3061 | 37 | 37 | Labor dystocia | 3231 | .3 | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage, obstetric injury, bladder injury, abnormal fetal heart rate | ||
19 | 39 | Hypertensive disorder, other abnormal labor, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3144 | 33 | 40 | Induction, labor dystocia | 3423 | .3 | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage, obstetric injury, hypertensive disorder, abnormal fetal heart rate | |
20 | 39 | Malpresentation | Low transverse | 3619 | 34 | 40 | 3785 | No | Maternal obstetric injury | ||
21 | 39 | Malpresentation | Low transverse | 3883 | Maternal anemia | 37 | 40 | Labor dystocia | 4167 | No | Maternal obstetric injury Neonatal metabolic acidosis |
22 | 40 | Labor dystocia | .3 | 3713 | 52 | 38 | 3118 | Yes | Abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal observation for infection |
23 | 40 | Hypertensive disorder, labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3224 | 24 | 39 | 3314 | .3 | |||
24 | 40 | Hypertensive disorder, labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3459 | Maternal hepatorenal syndrome Neonatal umbilical vessel catheterization, respiratory disease |
19 | 39 | Labor dystocia, augmentation | 4706 | .3 | Neonatal hemorrhagic disease |
25 | 40 | Cord prolapse, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3856 | 26 | 39 | Augmentation | 2750 | No | ||
26 | 40 | Hypertensive disorder, labor dystocia, abnormal fetal heart rate, failed operative vaginal delivery | Low transverse | 3175 | Neonatal hemolytic disease, jaundice | 30 | 40 | Labor dystocia, augmentation | 3770 | No | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage |
27 | 40 | Hypertensive disorder, malpresentation | Low transverse | 2835 | 24 | 40 | Labor dystocia, augmentation | 3175 | No | Abnormal fetal heart rate | |
28 | 40 | Malpresentation | Low transverse | 3997 | 30 | 40 | Augmentation | 3798 | .3 | Abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal low Apgar3, ventilation, respiratory disease, non-mechanical resuscitation, seizures, observation for infection |
29 | 40 | Puerperal infection, other abnormal labor | Low transverse | 3521 | 30 | 40 | 3827 | .3 | Maternal bladder injury, abnormal fetal heart rate | ||
30 | 40 | Puerperal infection, hypertensive disorder, labor dystocia, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3835 | 29 | 40 | Labor dystocia | 4110 | Yes | Abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal jaundice |
31 | 40 | PROM1, labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3402 | 28 | 41 | Induction, prostaglandin use, labor dystocia, intraamniotic infection | 3969 | .3 | Maternal bladder injury, puerperal infection, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal respiratory disease, acute tubular necrosis, observation for infection |
32 | 40 | Previa with hemorrhage | Low transverse | 3373 | 19 | 41 | Labor dystocia, augmentation | 4167 | No | Maternal obstetric injury, puerperal infection, wound complication, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal jaundice |
33 | 40 | Labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3969 | Maternal obstetric injury, puerperal infection | 23 | 41 | intraamniotic infection | 3515 | No | Maternal puerperal infection, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal tachycardia |
34 | 40 | Malpresentation, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3374 | 18 | .3 | Labor dystocia | 3374 | .3 | Neonatal respiratory disease, non-mechanical resuscitation, scalp injury | |
35 | 41 | Puerperal infection, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3941 | Maternal 3rd degree laceration Neonatal ventilation, umbilical vessel catheterization |
17 | 38 | 3714 | .3 | Maternal obstetric injury, bladder injury | |
36 | 41 | Puerperal infection, labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3799 | 22 | 38 | Labor dystocia, augmentation, intraamniotic infection | 3289 | .3 | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage, puerperal infection, Abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal observation for infection, spinal tap |
37 | 41 | Labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3968 | 15 | 38 | 2636 | .3 | Maternal hemorrhage, hysterectomy, abnormal fetal heart rate | ||
38 | 41 | Labor dystocia, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3770 | 64 | 39 | Augmentation | 2485 | No | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage, transfusion, postpartum exploratory laparotomy, obstetric injury, retained placenta, hypertensive disorder, precipitate labor Neonatal Temperature dysregulation, hypoglycemia, jaundice |
39 | 41 | Malpresentation | Low transverse | 3374 | 57 | 39 | Induction, prostaglandin use | 3395 | No | Abnormal fetal heart rate | |
40 | 41 | Labor dystocia, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3611 | Maternal anemia | 29 | 39 | 4140 | No | Maternal anemia | |
41 | 41 | Labor dystocia, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 3856 | 21 | 39 | Induction, labor dystocia | 3771 | No | Maternal pelvic floor abnormality, abnormal fetal heart rate | |
42 | 41 | Suspected macrosomia | Low transverse | 4706 | 45 | 40 | Augmentation | 4195 | Yes | Maternal obstetric injury, puerperal infection, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal low Apgar3, ventilation, umbilical vessel catheterization |
43 | 41 | Herpes simplex virus | Low transverse | 3799 | 23 | 41 | Labor dystocia | 3742 | No | Maternal obstetric injury | |
44 | 41 | Labor dystocia | Low transverse | 3685 | 21 | 41 | Augmentation | 4309 | No | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage | |
45 | 41 | Labor dystocia, abnormal fetal heart rate | Low transverse | 4479 | 15 | 41 | Labor dystocia | 3713 | Yes | Maternal anemia, hemorrhage, obstetric injury, failed operative vaginal delivery, abnormal fetal heart rate Neonatal cutaneous hemorrhage, jaundice |
46 | 41 | .3 | .3 | 3572 | 37 | 42 | Induction | 3455 | No | Abnormal fetal heart rate |
gm = grams, PROM = premature rupture of membranes.
Gestational age based on best clinical estimate. For this patient, we noted discordance with birth weight and concordance with alternative gestational age estimation by last menstrual period of 32 weeks.
. = missing data
Low Apgar defined as less than <5 at 5 or 10 minutes of life.