A, B. HCC2185 and HCC202 cells (EV and shTRβ) were treated with DOC, DOX or CIS for 3 days and IC50 values were calculated using MTT growth assays performed in triplicate. C, D, E. HCC2185, HCC202 and MDA-MB-453 cells were treated with DOC 1 or 5 nM (T1 and T5, respectively), DOX 10 nM or 100 nM (D10 or D100, respectively) or CIS 0.1 uM or 1 uM (C0.1 or C1, respectively) for 2 months, and endogenous TRβ protein levels were measured using western blot. GAPDH or RhoGDIα levels were used as loading controls. F, G. HCC2185 and HCC202 cells (EV and shTRβ) were treated with DOC 1 nM (T), DOX 100 nM (D) and CIS 1 uM (C) for 4 days, and then western blots were performed for TRβ, cleaved PARP, PARP, cleaved caspase 3 and caspase 3 expression. GAPDH was used as a loading control.