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. 2015 May 4;10(5):e0125841. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125841

Table 1. Parameter abbreviations, values, descriptions and units of the DEB model.

Abbreviation Value Description Unit Source
T A 3000 Arrhenius temperature K [23]
T R 293 Reference temperature K [23]
δ 0.20 Shape coefficient ; V1/3 = δ.L - Fitted
{p˙Am} 4.72 Maximum area specific assimilation rate J.d−−2 Fitted
ν˙ 0.60 Energy conductance mm.d−1 Fitted
κ 0.70 Fraction of energy to growth/somatic - Fitted
α 0.84 Fraction of food accessible at first feeding - Fitted
l b 0.079 Scaled length at the first feeding - Fitted
l p 0.58 Scaled length at puberty - Fixed
l f 0.163 Length at half maximal food assimilation - Fitted
[p˙M] 0.44 Volume somatic maintenance costs J.d−−3 Fitted
[E G] 2.35 Cost of synthesis of a unit of structure−3 Fitted
E 0 1.25 Initial amount of energy in an egg J Fitted
L 0 0.25 Initial length mm Fixed
R M 406 Maximum number of egg per day d−1 Fitted
f lim 0.92 Male appetite factor limitation - Fitted