Fig. 3.
Experimental observation of Purcell effect of a single QD coupled to plasmonic modes. (A) Micro-PL spectra of QD pyramids without and with a silver film measured at 7 K. (B) Micro-PL decay dynamics measured at 7 K. The decay time is 4 ns for the single QD without a silver film, and 0.14 ns for the QD with a silver film. The black line shows the instrument response function of our system. (C) Scatter plot of measured single QD decay times at 7 K versus emission wavelengths. Error bars indicate the standard error of monoexponential decay fitting. The average decay time was 4.4 ± 2.2 ns for QDs without a silver film, and 0.2 ± 0.1 ns for QDs with a silver film, as shown by dotted lines. The signs of “±” indicate a standard deviation. (D) Measured exciton decay times of single QDs with and without Ag film as a function of temperature.