Neurodegeneration in inflamed DRG. Confocal microscope image of degenerating neurons (green) as stained by FJC in the DRG (Bb alone at 14 weeks) showing degenerating neuronal axons in a dorsal root, adjacent to the DRG are also seen to stain green with FJC. Nuclei of all cells appear blue due to staining with nuclear stain TOPRO3 (A), neurodegeneration in the DRG and dorsal root entering the DRG with Bb+Mel at 14 weeks (B), absence of neurodegeneration in an uninfected control rhesus macaque at 8 weeks (C), and presence of degenerating neurons in the DRG and areas corresponding to the dorsal roots that traverse the DRG in a section parallel to that showing neurodegeneration as seen with Bb alone at 14 weeks in Figure 4C (D). Bb, Borrelia burgdorferi; DRG, dorsal root ganglia; FJC, Fluoro-Jade C; Mel, meloxicam.