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. 2015 Apr;7(4):625–636. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.04.04

Table 5. Univariate analysis of factors associated with PA isolation or infection.

Parameter PA isolation
PA infection
Yes (No.) No (No.) OR 95% CI P Yes (No.) No (No.) OR 95% CI P
  Male 9 45 1.00 7 47 1.00
  Female 35 55 3.18 1.39-7.31 <0.01 32 58 3.70 1.50-9.15 <0.01
Age (years)
  18-35 12 30 1.00 12 30 1.00
  36-49 10 37 0.68 0.26-1.78 0.43 9 38 0.59 0.22-1.59 0.3
  ≥50 22 33 1.67 0.71-3.94 0.24 18 37 1.22 0.51-2.92 0.66
BMI (kg/m2)
  <18.5 18 26 1.73 0.56-5.31 0.34 16 28 1.83 0.56-5.94 0.31
  18.5-23.9 20 59 0.85 0.29-2.48 0.76 18 61 0.94 0.30-2.93 0.92
  ≥24.0 6 15 1.00 5 16 1.00
Duration of bronchiectasis symptoms (years)*
  <10 9 47 1.00 8 43 1.00
  ≥10 35 53 3.45 1.50-7.92 <0.01 31 57 2.92 1.22-7.00 0.01
No. of acute exacerbations within 2 years*
  0-3 14 62 1.00 13 58 1.00
  ≥4 30 38 3.50 1.65-7.42 <0.01 26 42 2.76 1.27-6.00 <0.01
HRCT score
  ≤6 12 56 1.00 11 57 1.00
  7-12 24 34 3.29 1.46-7.43 <0.01 21 37 2.94 1.27-6.81 0.01
  ≥13 8 10 3.73 1.22-11.44 <0.01 7 11 3.3 1.05-10.38 0.04
24-hour sputum volume (mL)
  ≤10 12 48 1.00 11 49 1.00
  11-30 9 26 1.39 0.52-3.72 0.52 8 27 1.32 0.47-3.68 0.59
  ≥30 23 26 3.54 1.52-8.24 <0.01 20 29 3.07 1.29-7.31 <0.01
Cystic bronchiectasis
  No 10 52 1.00 8 53 1.00
  Yes 34 48 3.68 1.64-8.26 <0.01 32 51 4.16 1.75-9.87 <0.01

Data in bold suggested statistically significant odds ratios. *, missing data were not imputed in this model. PA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; OR, odds ratio; HRCT, high-resolution computed tomography.