Post-transcriptional processes in the Arabidopsis circadian system. Numerous core clock genes undergo alternative splicing, in particular in response to temperature changes. The spliceosomal Lsm4 and Lsm5 proteins control alternatives splicing. PRMT5 affects alternative splicing of core clock genes likely through modification of snRNP proteins and splicing factors. Alternative splice isoforms of clock genes containing a PTC can undergo NMD. The RNA-binding proteins AtGRP7 and AtGRP8 are part of a clock-controlled post-transcriptional feedback loop based on alternative splicing and NMD. Translation of the core clock component LHY is regulated. The stability of LHCB1 and CCL is time-of-day dependent. CCA1 stability depends on the light quality. Some miRNA show diurnal oscillations. Several pri-miRNAs undergo clock-controlled oscillations. See text for further details.