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. 2014 Oct 13;8(2):259. doi: 10.4081/oncol.2014.259

Table 4.

Pulmonary-epithelioid hemangioendothelioma histological and cytologic features.

Solitary or multiple pulmonary nodules
Macroscopical appearance
Diameter >5 cm
Consistency Rubbery or cartilage-like
Cut surface From grey-white to yellow-brown Semi- or normotranslucency
Microscopical appearance
Periphery of the nodules Hypercellular
Centre of the nodules Hypocellular
Coagulative necrosis
Cytoplasm Abundant
Nucleus Round or oval
Atypia Low-grade, one third marked
Mitotic activity Scarce, one third notable (>10 mitosis/HPF)
Increased risk of metastasis
Marked nuclear atypia
Notable mitotic activity (>10 mitosis/HPF)

HPF, high-power fields.