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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 May 5.
Published in final edited form as: Cancer. 2011 Jan 11;117(12):2599–2607. doi: 10.1002/cncr.25822

Table 6.

Results of Imprint Cytology and the One Step Nucleic Acid Amplification Breast Cancer System Compared With Reference Pathologya

Reference Pathology
Macro Micro ITC Negative Total
Imprint cytology, n =532b
 Positive 41 10 0 3 54
 Negative 14 15 8 436 473
 Indeterminate 1 0 0 4 5
 Total 56 25 8 443 532
OSNA, n =532c
 ++ 48 6 1 4 59
 + 4 7 0 14 25
 − 4 12 7 425 448
 Total 56 25 8 443 532

Macro indicates macrometastasis; Micro, micrometastasis; ITC, isolated tumor cells; OSNA, the One Step Nucleic Acid Amplification Breast Cancer System.


In total, 532 sentinel lymph nodes that were obtained from 272 patients enrolled from 7 clinical sites were evaluated intraoperatively by imprint cytology before either OSNA or postoperative reference pathology. Criteria for macrometastasis, micrometastasis, ITCs, or negative findings followed American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual (6th edition) guidelines.


Imprint cytology results were classified as positive, negative, or indeterminate.


OSNA results were classified as ++ (macrometastasis), + (micrometastasis), or − (negative), as determined by a pre-established cutoff number of cytokeratin 19 messenger RNA copies.