Table 2:
Techniques to reduce wrong patient selection, with our estimates of the level of effort and safety impact (TBD = to be determined). Techniques with high estimated safety impact and low estimated effort are highlighted with bold text. The In-demo checkmarks (x) indicate which techniques are demonstrated in the prototype or video.
Task | User Interface Technique | Estimated Effort | Estimated Safety impact | In demo? |
Recall patient | Use patients’ photos and other information | HIGH | HIGH | x |
Show the floor plan | medium | medium | x | |
Provide a personalized list of patients | low | medium | ||
Allow sorting | low | low | x | |
Allow filtering | low | low | x | |
Allow categorical grouping | low | low | x | |
| ||||
Select patient | Provide clues that similar names exist | HIGH | HIGH | x |
Use RFID technology | HIGH | HIGH | ||
Always show patient’s full name | low | HIGH | x | |
Consider ID reentry | low | medium | ||
Include buffer space between rows | low | medium | x | |
Increase row height | low | medium | x | |
Highlight row under cursor | low | HIGH | x | |
Consider using a 2D grid instead of a list | medium | low | ||
| ||||
Verify selection | Highlight on departure | low | HIGH | x |
Highlight on arrival | low | medium | x | |
Use animated transition | low | medium | x | |
Use a visual summary of the patient history | medium | TBD | ||
| ||||
Place order | Keep the patient header visible at all times | low | medium | x |
Maintain consistency between screens | low | low | x | |
Use clinical decision support | HIGH | HIGH | ||
Consider side-by-side display of detailed patient information and order information | medium | TBD | ||
| ||||
Confirm order | Include the identity of the patient in Submit button | low | HIGH | x |
Consider placing the submit button near the patient information | low | medium | x | |
| ||||
Report error | Report errors with proper feedback | medium | TBD | |
Speed up placing the same order for the correct patient | HIGH | Low |