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. 2014 Nov 14;2014:1056–1065.

Table 2:

Techniques to reduce wrong patient selection, with our estimates of the level of effort and safety impact (TBD = to be determined). Techniques with high estimated safety impact and low estimated effort are highlighted with bold text. The In-demo checkmarks (x) indicate which techniques are demonstrated in the prototype or video.

Task User Interface Technique Estimated Effort Estimated Safety impact In demo?
Recall patient Use patients’ photos and other information HIGH HIGH x
Show the floor plan medium medium x
Provide a personalized list of patients low medium
Allow sorting low low x
Allow filtering low low x
Allow categorical grouping low low x

Select patient Provide clues that similar names exist HIGH HIGH x
Use RFID technology HIGH HIGH
Always show patient’s full name low HIGH x
Consider ID reentry low medium
Include buffer space between rows low medium x
Increase row height low medium x
Highlight row under cursor low HIGH x
Consider using a 2D grid instead of a list medium low

Verify selection Highlight on departure low HIGH x
Highlight on arrival low medium x
Use animated transition low medium x
Use a visual summary of the patient history medium TBD

Place order Keep the patient header visible at all times low medium x
Maintain consistency between screens low low x
Use clinical decision support HIGH HIGH
Consider side-by-side display of detailed patient information and order information medium TBD

Confirm order Include the identity of the patient in Submit button low HIGH x
Consider placing the submit button near the patient information low medium x

Report error Report errors with proper feedback medium TBD
Speed up placing the same order for the correct patient HIGH Low