Subunit size and oligomeric structure in solution. SDS–PAGE (A), Western blot (B) of purified LmCld. (C) HPLC-chromatogram of holo-LmCld (red), apo-LmCld (black) and Bio-Rad Gel Filtration Standard (#151-1901) (gray), chromatograms are shifted for clarity. UV–vis spectra of peaks eluted at 11.0 (pink), 13.3 (green), and 15.9 min (black) of holo-LmCld (D) and apo-LmCld (E). Multi-angle-light-scattering (MALS) data of holo-LmCld (F) and apo-LmCld (G), molecular mass distributions over the elution peak of the samples are represented as dashed lines, average molar masses are written next to respective size distributions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)