Fig. 7.
Typical sequence pattern including distal and proximal residues found in representatives of the peroxidase–chlorite dismutase superfamily. Chlorite dismutases (Clds), dye-decolorizing peroxidases (DyPs) and Cld-like proteins. Color scheme: blue highest similarity (93% conservation), green moderate similarity (67%), yellow low similarity (30%). In addition the active site architectures of chlorite dismutase from Nitrospira defluvii (Clade 1 Cld) and of DyP from Bjerkandera adusta (Dyp-type D) are depicted. Abbreviations of sequence names are explained in Supplem. Table 1 and for peroxidase representatives correspond with the nomenclature of PeroxiBase ( Secondary structure elements for NdeCld1 structure are given above the alignment.