Box 2.
Facilities |
Number of dialysis facilities |
The percentage of haemodialysis facilities owned by the public, private not-for-profit and private for-profit sector† |
Restriction on setting up new haemodialysis facilities |
Facility reimbursement method (activity based versus global budget)† |
Facility reimbursement rates for HD and PD |
Staffing |
Salaries of dialysis technicians, nurses and doctors |
Indicator of nephrologist salary relative to other hospital specialists† |
Number of nephrologists (total and WTE) |
Renal service |
Patient choice between dialysis providers |
Competition for patients between dialysis providers |
Laws restricting home dialysis† |
Likert Scale questions |
Distance to haemodialysis centre—as a barrier to RRT† |
Distance to haemodialysis centre—as a reason for choosing PD rather than HD† |
Non-referral of elderly/co-morbid patients† |
Social and cultural attitudes of patients† |
Limited resources for haemodialysis† |
Active conservative/non-dialysis programme† |
Indicators relating to renal service organization and delivery
†Collected for all five study periods. WTE = whole time equivalent.