Fig. 9.
E2 administration to male SuHx-PH rats improves RV morphology, RV function, and exercise capacity. Effects of E2 on RV wall thickness (A), VTI (B), notching of Doppler signal in RV outflow tract (C), CI (D), and exercise capacity (determined by V̇o2max measurement via treadmill running; E) in male SuHx rats are shown. RV wall thickness, VTI, RV outflow tract notching, and CI were determined by echocardiography. SuHx exposure and E2 administration were as outlined in Fig. 1; treatment groups are as defined in Fig. 8. Values are means ± SE, except in C, where values are expressed as percentages. Numbers listed above bars in C indicate number of animals with RV outflow tract notching/total number of animals in that group. *,**P < 0.05, P < 0.01 vs. normoxia control; #,##P < 0.05, P < 0.01 vs. SuHx and SuHx veh (1-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey's test).