Fig. 3.
Buttons in initial lymphatics border sites of fluid entry. A: Schematic diagram showing distinctive, discontinuous buttons in endothelium of initial lymphatics and continuous zippers in collecting lymphatics. Both types of junction consist of proteins typical of adherens junctions and tight junctions. B: More detailed view showing the oak leaf shape of endothelial cells (dashed lines) of initial lymphatics. Buttons (red) appear to be oriented perpendicular to the cell border but are in fact parallel to the sides of flaps. In contrast, most PECAM-1 expression is at the tips of flaps. C,D: Enlarged views of buttons show that flaps of adjacent oak leaf-shaped endothelial cells have complementary shapes with overlapping edges. Adherens junctions and tight junctions at the sides of flaps direct fluid entry (arrows) to the junction-free region at the tip without repetitive disruption and reformation of junctions. Reproduced with permission from Journal of Experimental Medicine [61]. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, available at]