Figure 6. aCGH analysis of tg1223 HCC.
The q-arm of each chromosome is shown and chromosome numbers are indicated. Black ellipses on the top of each q-arm represent the centromere. Dark horizontal bars within the symbolised chromosomes represent G bands. Chromosomal deletions are indicated in blue, amplifications in red (see methods for details). (A) HCC of individual tg1223 mice were hybridized against liver tissue of age matched C57BL/6 mice and analyzed by aCGH analysis. Columns next to each chromosome represent individual HCC (1; 2; 3) with numerous chromosomal aberrations on the q-arm of various autosomes. No common pattern of chromosomal aberrations could be detected. (B) aCGH analysis of six representative HCC (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) taken from different lobes of the same tg1223 liver.