Table 2.
Description of the state parameters of the model in Figure 1
Parameter | Description |
β C,β H | Effective contact (transmission) rate in the community/hospital |
Π C,Π RH,Π V,Π H | Recruitment rates |
μ H | Natural death rate |
τ C, τ Ci, τ Hi (i=1,2) | Modification parameters for infectiousness |
ϕ C,ϕ H | Strengths of traditional belief systems and customs in community and hospital |
σ C,σ H | Progression rates of symptomatic individuals in the community and hospital |
α C,α H | Progression rates of early symptomatic individuals in the community and hospital |
g | Fraction of symptomatic individuals who are hospitalized |
h | Fraction of symptomatic non-hospitalized individuals who recovered |
f | Fraction of symptomatic hospitalized individuals who recovered |
ω CN,ω RH | Hospitalization rates of symptomatic individuals in the community and health-care workers |
ω CH | Rate of escape from hospitalization |
ε | Efficacy of hospitalization in preventing the escape of Ebola-infected patients |
ε D | Efficacy of hospital-sanctioned burial (burial squad efficacy) |
p D | Strength of cultural compliance/acceptance of the burial squad |
γ C,γ H | Recovery rates of symptomatic individuals in the community and hospital |
δ C,δ H | Cremation/burial rates of Ebola-deceased individuals in the community and hospital |
ρ V,ρ RV | Transition rates of visitors between the community and the hospital |
ρ H,ρ RH | Transition rates of health-care workers between the community and hospital |