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. 2015 May 2;13:15. doi: 10.1186/s12953-015-0071-8

Table 1.

Proteins identified by MALDI TOF/TOF MS from transgenic cotton leaves

Spot no a. GI no. b Function category protein name Plant species Exper. c pI/Mr Thero. d pI/Mr M P e SC% f M. S. g Relative change (WT/BT) h
Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones (O)
1 255556934 ATPase R. communis 5.49/90 5.13/90.1 11 21 324 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figa_HTML.gif
7 147819511 Hypothetical protein V. vinifera 4.86/72 5.20/61.4 5 10 256 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figb_HTML.gif
9 225433375 Chaperonin V. vinifera 5.40/63 5.85/61.7 6 14 204 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figc_HTML.gif
16 12620883 Rubisco activase G. hirsutum 4.99/49 5.06/48.6 13 41 822 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figd_HTML.gif
27 14594915 Proteasome subunit N. tabacum 5.77/27 6.12/18.2 3 32 113 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Fige_HTML.gif
Carbohydrate transport and metabolism (G)
2 110224784 Transketolase P. acerifolia 5.73/76 6.25/26.0 2 11 82 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figf_HTML.gif
3 255541252 Transketolase R. communis 5.80/76 6.52/81.6 5 8 277 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figg_HTML.gif
4 255541252 Transketolase R. communis 5.95/76 6.52/81.6 5 8 262 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figh_HTML.gif
5 255541252 Transketolase R. communis 5.89/76 6.52/81.6 6 10 404 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figi_HTML.gif
6 255541252 Transketolase R. communis 6.05/76 6.52/81.6 6 11 337 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figj_HTML.gif
8 3560664 Rubisco C. ensifolium 5.73/66 6.4/49.7 5 13 211 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figk_HTML.gif
14 11230404 Rubisco, large subunit C. Pettersson 5.96/53 5.96/52.9 12 40 998 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figl_HTML.gif
15 33415263 Enolase G. hirsutum 5.69/49 6.16/47.9 11 36 502 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figm_HTML.gif
22 329317332 Rubisco, large subunit G. barbadense 6.20/35 6.00/53.7 5 16 326 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Fign_HTML.gif
24 449442663 Phosphoglycolate phosphatase C. sativus 5.58/32 6.47/41.7 8 26 442 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figo_HTML.gif
26 1881499 Rubisco, large subunit P. pendula 6.24/30 6.61/52.6 9 22 366 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figp_HTML.gif
32 548699 Rubisco, large chain (−) 6.40/19 6.12/52.6 4 9 104 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figq_HTML.gif
Energy production and conversion (C)
10 40850676 Betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase G. hirsutum 5.43/63 5.6/55.4 5 12 124 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figr_HTML.gif
11 91208909 ATP synthase, beta subunit G. hirsutum 5.33/59 5.22/53.6 13 42 939 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figs_HTML.gif
20 225451308 Auxin-induced protein V. vinifera 6.09/39 5.96/37.9 1 3 55 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figt_HTML.gif
33 315364830 Ion-sulfur protein C. lanatus 6.54/19 8.45/24.6 3 18 231 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figu_HTML.gif
Cytoskeleton (Z)
17 281485191 actin P. americana 5.34/44 5.31/41.9 12 46 984 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figv_HTML.gif
Amino acid transport and metabolism (E)
18 211906462 Glutamine synthase G. hirsutum 5.80/43 5.77/39.4 5 16 160 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figw_HTML.gif
Coenzyme transport and metabolism (H)
19 449433772 Magnesium-chelatase subunit C. sativus 4.98/40 5.72/46.0 5 15 150 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figx_HTML.gif
21 255558669 Porphobilinogen deaminase R. communis 6.07/38 6.55/40.3 3 10 50 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figy_HTML.gif
Inorganic ion transport and metabolism (P)
23 225431122 Ferredoxin--NADP reductase V. vinifera 6.46/34 8.91/40.8 7 22 270 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figz_HTML.gif
Cell envelope biogenesis, outer membrane (M)
25 292668595 Sanguinarine reductase E. californica 5.18/29 4.97/29.6 2 6 104 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figaa_HTML.gif
Nucleotide transport and metabolism (F)
34 225457446 Nucleoside diphosphate kinase, V. vinifera 6.41/18 9.28/26.0 3 13 147 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figab_HTML.gif
No related to COG (NO)
12 255558986 Hypothetical protein R. communis 5.39/58 8.23/54.9 2 2 69 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figac_HTML.gif
13 255558986 Hypothetical protein R. communis 5.55/59 8.23/54.9 2 2 53 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figad_HTML.gif
28 226358407 Chlorophyll binding protein G. hirsutum 5.30/27 5.53/25.6 3 20 166 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figae_HTML.gif
29 118489712 Unknown P. trichocarpa 4.73/26 4.77/24.4 3 9 156 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figaf_HTML.gif
30 147767601 Hypothetical protein V. vinifera 5.23/42 8.46/25.5 2 11 59 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figag_HTML.gif
31 302595736 Oxygen-evolving enhancer protein (−) 6.26/22 8.67/28.2 3 9 215 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figah_HTML.gif
35 211906510 Major latex-like protein G. hirsutum 5.38/17 5.46/17.2 3 27 116 graphic file with name 12953_2015_71_Figai_HTML.gif

aAssigned spot number as indicated in Figure 2.

bDatabase GI numbers according to NCBInr.

c,d The experimental (c) and theoretical (d) mass (kDa) and pI of the identified proteins.

eNumber of the matched peptides (MP).

fThe amino acid sequence coverage (SC) for the identified proteins.

gThe Mascot searched score (M. S.) against the database NCBInr.

hThe relatively changed ratios of protein amount on different 2-D gels.