Neutrophils promote a S100A4-mediate malignant glioma phenotype. A, Increased expression of mesenchymal related markers were observed in microarray analysis for bevacizumab-resistant mice tumors. B, S100A4 expression in GICs of proneural (PN) and mesenchymal (MES) subtypes. C, Transient transfection of S100A4 overexpression and shRNA plasmids in GIC23. D, S100A4 expression in GIC23 cells stable transfected with either Control shRNA or S100A4 shRNA when co-culture of MPRO cells. E, Flow Cytometry analysis of GFP-Control shRNA or GFP-S100A4 shRNA GIC23 cells when co-culture with or without MPRO cells (cell numbers at 1:1 ratio). F, Matrgel invasion assay for GIC23 Control shRNA and S100A4 shRNA cells. GICs (3X105) were allowed to invade for 24 h in serum-free medium with or without MPRO cells (3X105). Graphs represent absorbance at 590nm after incubation of the memberanes with deocycholic acid. Pictures shown are the most representative form the three independent experiments. *: P<0.05, Student’s t test. G, Expression of Ykl-40 and Tubulin were detected by western blots in GIC23 when co-culture with or without MPRO cells. GFP positive GICs were sorted for western blots analysis after 1:1 co-culture with MPRO cell for 3 days.