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. 2014 Dec 12;32(6):1975–1992. doi: 10.1007/s11095-014-1591-0

Table III.

Metabolic Fluxes at Steady State Given Different Cell Culture Media Conditions. See Appendix B for More MITOsym®equation Descriptions

Description Glucose Galactose
F1 Flux G6Pprod Rate of hepatocyte glucose/G6P uptake and phosphorylation, described as a Michaelis-Menten reaction 1.875 [mM/min] 2.13[mM/min]
F2 Flux pyrprodcellular Rate of hepatocyte total pyruvate production via glycolysis, described as a Michaelis-Menten reaction 3.75 [mM/min] 4.26[mM/min]
F3 Flux lacprod Rate of lactate production from pyruvate, described as a first-order reaction 3.15 [mM/min] 3.45[mM/min]
F4 Flux pyrprodmito Rate of pyruvate use by mitochondria in absence of effectors is linear to total pyruvate production, Flux pyrprodcellular 0. 6 [mM/min] 0.84[mM/min]
F5 Flux pyr2OXprod Rate of pyruvate use as oxidative substrate in mitochondria, described as a Michaelis-Menten reaction 0. 6 [mM/min] 0.84[mM/min]
F6 Flux ETCprod Rate of oxidative substrate used for ETC activity in mitochondria in absence of effectors is the sum of the oxidative substrate from mitochondrial pyruvate or fatty acid (the latter is not included in the current model) 0. 6 [mM/min] 0.84[mM/min]
F7 Flux ATPprod,mito Rate of mitochondria ATP production in absence of effectors, described as a Michaelis-Menten reaction 1000 [pmol ATP/min] 1334.7 [pmol ATP/min]