Total costs of hospitalizations with critical congenital heart defects as a percentage of total costs of all hospitalizations with any congenital heart defect; total hospitalizations with a critical congenital heart defect as a percentage of total hospitalizations with any congenital heart defect, by age. CHD, congenital heart defect; HLHS, hypo-plastic left heart syndrome; Coarc, coarctation of the aorta; ToF, tetralogy of Fallot; DORV, double outlet right ventricle; TGA, transposition of the great arteries; Single, single ventricle; Pulm Atr, pulmonary atresia; Aortic, interruption or hypoplasia of aortic arch; Tric Atr, tricuspid atresia; TAPVR, total anomalous pulmonary venous return; Truncus, truncus arteriosus; Ebstein, Ebstein anomaly