Figure 3. SAT1 knockdown inhibits GBM tumor growth and increases survival in nude mice.
A and B. Bioluminescence of orthotopic tumor growth of SAT1 knockdown GBM0821 and GBM0913 neurospheres. C and D. Kaplan-Meier survival curves of GBM0821 and GBM0913 cells with SAT1 or GFP knockdown. GBM0913 controls (n=4) survived an average of 65.5 days post injection; shSAT1 (n=5) survived 82.0 days (p=0.0047). GBM0812 controls (n=5) survived an average of 47.0 days; shSAT1 (n=5) survived 77.0 days (p=0.0064). E U87MG tumor response curves following intratumoral siRNA and radiation. F. Kaplan-Meier survival curves of mice in E.