Acute 24-hour Tumor Responses to Angiogenesis Inhibitory and Saline Treatments
Note.—MR imaging–assayed endothelial transfer coefficients (KPS values) used as a measure of endothelial leakiness of the microvessels in rats with MDA-MB 435 breast cancers before (day 1) and after (day 2) bevacizumab treatment are ordered by increasing dose of angiogenesis inhibitor. Individual fractional tumor growth rates, also tabulated, show significantly more rapid growth in the control (uninhibited) tumors. Fractional tumor growth rate and ΔKPS in control tumors were significantly different from those in bevacizumab-treated tumors (P < .05).
In milligrams per injection.
Calculated as [(KPSday2 − KPSday1)/ KPSday1] · 100%.