Figure 1. N1 decoys differently inhibit ligand-induced Notch signaling.
(A and E) Schematic of NOTCH1 decoy variants. (A) NOTCH1 protein: EGF-like repeats 11-12 indicated with shading. EGF: epidermal growth factor, LNR: LIN-12/Notch repeats, TM: transmembrane domain, RAM: CSL interaction domain, ANK: ankyrin repeats, NLS: nuclear location signal, PEST: proline, glutamic acid, serine, threonine rich sequence. EGF-like repeats 1-36 of human NOTCH1 (N11-36), repeats 1-24 (N11-24), or repeats 1-13 (N11-13) are fused in frame with human IgG Fc. (E) EGF-like repeats 10-36 of human NOTCH1 (N110-36), repeats 14-36 (N114-36), repeats 10-24 (N110-24), or repeats 14-24 (N114-24) are fused in frame with human IgG Fc. EGF-like repeats 11-12 indicated with shading. (B and F) N1 decoy variants expressed in 293T cells detected from total cell lysates and supernatant by immunoblotting with an anti-human Fc antibody. (C, D, G, and H) Notch signal activation measured in HeLa cells expressing full-length rat Notch1, N1 decoys and 11CSL-Luc co-cultured with HeLa cells expressing Notch ligands. Co-culture assays were performed in triplicate and repeated three times. Mean luciferase fold induction ± S.D. * P value < 0.002. ** P value < 0.005.