Fig. 1.
Upper left the planes in the NUHM2, CMSSM and NUHM1. The results of the fit in the NUHM2 are indicated by solid lines and filled green stars, and those of our previous fits to the CMSSM and NUHM1 by dotted and dashed lines as well as open and shaded green stars, respectively. In all cases, the red lines denote ( % CL) contours, and the blue lines denote ( % CL) contours. Upper right the dominant mechanisms (3) fixing the dark-matter density in the CMSSM. Lower left the same for the NUHM1. Lower right the same for the NUHM2. Stau coannihilation regions are shaded pink, rapid annihilation funnel regions are shaded blue, coannihilation regions are shaded green, stop coannihilation regions are shaded grey. Regions where more than one of these conditions are satisfied are shaded in darker colours