Figure 8.
Thujone, monoterpene, and transcript accumulation in WRC foliage of four different second generation inbred lines, including three lines with low-thujone phenotypes. A, Content of α-thujone and total content of other monoterpenes in three low-thujone lines (872, 873, and 875) and line 8,320. B, Transcript accumulation for CYP76AA25, CYP750B1, and sabinene synthase quantified by qRT-PCR and normalized to EF-α expression (shown as x fold difference in low-α-thujone lines [872, 873, and 875] relative to line 8,320). Error bars show se based on three biological replicates per line. SS, Sabinene synthase; *, significant differences (t test, P < 0.05) between low-α-thujone lines 872, 873, and 875 and line 8320.