Figure 4. The adult sing knockdown phenotype results from a failure of myoblast fusion.
(A) Horizontal sections of control and sing knockdown animals at 16 APF respectively, stained for location of nuclei with DAPI (Blue), and for proliferating cells using anti-phospho-Histone3 (PH3, Red). Dotted lines indicate the pool of myoblasts, and arrowheads indicate the cuticle. Scale bar, 20µm. (B) Quantification of myoblast density and proliferation in control and sing knockdown animals. There is no statistical significance between the control and sing knockdown, p>0.05. (C) Time course of developing adult thoracic muscles through adult myoblast fusion, comparing Control and sing knockdown samples. Larger FC nuclei are often apparent (arrowheads). In the sing knockdown animals the FCs have few closely-apposed nuclei, indicating that myoblast fusion is not occurring. Note that F-actin foci (arrows) are apparent in both wild type and sing knockdown samples. DLM, dorsal longitudinal muscle; DVM, dorsoventral muscle; TDT, tergal depressor of the trochanter, or jump muscle. Scale bar, 10 µm for 18 APF, 24 APF; 20 µm for 30 APF, 48 APF.