Figure 3.
Interleukin (IL)-25−/− mice have increased large intestinal (LI) isolated lymphoid follicles (ILFs). (a) Alternate 4 cm sections of small intestine (SI) and the whole LI of wild-type (WT) and IL-25−/− mice were whole-mount immunostained for B220 (green) to detect ILFs and CD35 (red) to detect mature ILFs (mILFs). Representative images of ileum and distal colon are shown. Bar=500 μm. (b) Total ILF and mILF numbers and mean ILF size were determined by microscopy (n=8). Results are representative of two independent experiments. (c) Sections of ileum and colon were stained for Thy1 (red), B220 (green), and nuclei (blue) to detect cryptopatches (CPs). Bar=50 μm. (d) CP numbers in 20 sections (100 μm apart) of 10 cm of terminal ileum or the whole colon were determined by microscopy and converted to CP/section (n=4). Statistical differences were determined by Student's t-test (*P<0.05).