Figure 3.
Allometric relationships of traits in dobsonflies. Body, weapon, head and wing sizes were calculated as the relative difference between the male and female means: (male mean—female mean)/female mean. For weapon, head, and wing sizes, the adjusted means were calculated from the male and female regressions (see also the electronic supplementary material, figure S2, dataset S1). Asterisks indicated for the body size bars indicate a significant difference between the male and female means by Student's t-test (p < 0.05), and asterisks for all other traits indicate no overlaps in 95% confidence intervals between male and female adjusted means. Nuptial gift size is shown as the per cent accessory gland weight/body weight ratio (bars, s.d.) of the males, excluding those that had just mated (see the electronic supplementary material, figure S3, dataset S1). peri, peringueyi; unim, unimaculata; orie, orientalis; fruh, fruhstorferi; soro, soror; hond, honduranus; mexi, mexicana; miri, mirifica; lute, luteus; flav, flavicornis; corn, cornutus; texa, texanus; arma, armatus; perv, peruvianus; igno, ignobilis; sp, species; macl, maclachlani; exte, exterior; glor, gloriosoi; suma, sumatorensis; gran, grandis; imma, immaculatus; cost, costalis; disj, disjunctus; yang, yangi; weel, weelei; diff, differentialis; saba, sabahensis; and davi, davidi; ne indicates not examined.