Figure 6.
Effect of elastic relaxation increase on biofilm–flow interaction at umax = 0.001 m s−1. (a) Initial structure at t = 0. EPS volumetric fraction Φn at t = 1.0 s, (b) Case 4, λΦ = 10−3s. (c) Case 5, λΦ = 1 s and (d) case 6, λΦ = 102 s.
Effect of elastic relaxation increase on biofilm–flow interaction at umax = 0.001 m s−1. (a) Initial structure at t = 0. EPS volumetric fraction Φn at t = 1.0 s, (b) Case 4, λΦ = 10−3s. (c) Case 5, λΦ = 1 s and (d) case 6, λΦ = 102 s.