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. 2015 May 6;12(106):20150067. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0067

Table 3.

Significant PRCC values with absolute value more than 0.35 after 2000 model runsa. rk, proportion of contacts with partners from the same activity group; Nik, number of men or women in i activity group; cik, contact rate; Inline graphic, transmission rate of high-level infections; Inline graphic, transmission rate of low-level infections; γk, recovery rate from asymptomatic, low-level infections; θk, proportion of high-level infections that are asymptomatic; σk, recovery rate from symptomatic, high-level infections; ψk, recovery rate from asymptomatic, high-level infections.

estimate of susceptible men
estimate of susceptible women
estimate of high-level, symptomatic men
estimate of high-level, symptomatic women
estimate of high-level, asymptomatic men
estimate of high-level, asymptomatic women
estimate of low-level, asymptomatic men
estimate of low-level, asymptomatic women
parameter PRCC parameter PRCC parameter PRCC parameter PRCC parameter PRCC parameter PRCC parameter PRCC parameter PRCC
ψ2 0.7723 c24 −0.9537 σ1 −0.9805 σ2 −0.9687 ψ1 −0.8898 ψ2 −0.9059 γ1 −0.9218 c24 0.9045
r1 −0.7445 ψ2 0.7387 γ1 0.6996 θ2 −0.7743 γ1 0.8403 γ2 0.7633 Inline graphic 0.8166 γ2 −0.8241
ψ1 0.7007 ψ1 0.5701 ψ2 −0.6851 γ2 0.6044 ψ2 −0.8371 c24 0.7355 r1 0.6439 ψ2 0.5922
γ1 0.6643 γ2 0.5196 θ1 −0.6582 γ1 0.5267 γ2 0.7364 ψ1 −0.6783 ψ1 0.6297 Inline graphic 0.4832
N13 −0.623 r1 −0.5112 γ2 0.5768 ψ1 −0.513 Inline graphic −0.6564 γ1 0.6737 N13 0.509 γ1 −0.445
c13 −0.5009 r4 0.3978 Inline graphic −0.5121 c24 0.5071 Inline graphic 0.4812 Inline graphic −0.4508 γ2 −0.4279 r1 0.3636
Inline graphic −0.4988 Inline graphic 0.3574 Inline graphic −0.4134 Inline graphic −0.4456 c13 0.4175
γ2 −0.4949
Inline graphic −0.4838
c24 −0.458

aAll values, p < 0.001.