Figure 3.
Worsened glomerulonephritis in complement factor H (CfH)−/− mice with CfH−/− and CD11b−/− bone marrow. CfH−/− mice chimeric for wild-type (WT), CfH−/−, FcγR−/−, and CD11b−/− bone marrow were actively immunized with apoferritin to induce chronic serum sickness, or saline as control. (a) After 5 weeks, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was measured. Data from individual mice are shown. These data from each group were normally distributed (Anderson–Darling test P>0.04), whereas the population means were unequal (one-way analysis of variance, P<0.001). The Tukey all-pairwise approach was used to compare individual means. *P<0.007 versus all other groups. (b) Representative histopathology is shown. Diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis was evident in all groups receiving apoferritin. The white arrow shows periglomerular infiltrates in CD11b−/− chimeras. Semiquantitative scores for GN are provided as median, with Q3-Q1 interval in parentheses. Group medians were significantly different (P=0.003, the Mood Median test). *P<0.05 versus all other groups.