Table 2.
Chlorophyll a (Chla), chlorophyll b (Chla), carotenoids (Car), Chl(a+b), chlorophyll a:b ratio (Chla/b) and Car/ Chl(a+b) in C. acuminata leaves in response to different levels of irradiance.
Treatment 100% level | Chla (mg/g) | Chlb (mg/g) | Car (mg/g) | Chl(a+b) (mg/g) | Chla/b | Car/Chl(a+b) |
100% | 1.13±0.03c | 0.35±0.01c | 0.53±0.10c | 1.66±0.05c | 3.12±0.11a | 0.52±0.003a |
25% | 2.31±0.14a | 0.75±0.05a | 0.94±0.03a | 3.10±0.16a | 2..43±0.04c | 0.29±0.009c |
50% | 1.84±0.20b | 0.58±0.08b | 0.88±0.06a | 2.40±0.05b | 2.62±0.08b | 0.30±0.004c |
75% | 1.54±0.24b | 0.52±0.08b | 0.72±0.01b | 1.93±0.48c | 2.83±0.13b | 0.38±0.006b |
The values presented are the means ± SE. Different letters indicate significant differences between irradiance treatments (P < 0.05); n = 5. 100% level = 1500 ± 30 μmol m−2 s−1.