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. 2015 May 7;15:104. doi: 10.1186/s12888-015-0488-8

Table 2.

Depression characteristics by the presence of physical pain

Depressed without pain (N=1523) Depressed with pain (N=352)
n % n % p-value
Diagnosing physician (n=1,481; 338) 0.027
  General internist 156 10.5% 53 15.7%
  Psychiatrist 1250 84.4% 268 79.3%
  Other 75 5.1% 17 5.0%
Currently use prescription 1229 80.7% 274 77.8% 0.226
Depression severity (self-rated) 0.005
  Mild 614 40.3% 117 33.2%
  Moderate 697 45.8% 165 46.9%
  Severe 212 13.9% 70 19.9%
Depression severity categories (PHQ-9; n=824; 185) <0.001
  None 162 19.7% 13 7.0%
  Mild 239 29.0% 47 25.4%
  Moderate 149 18.1% 40 21.6%
  Moderately severe 140 17.0% 41 22.2%
  Severe 134 16.3% 44 23.8%
Problems made it hard to work/function (PHQ-9; n=769; 182) 0.012
  Not difficult at all 126 16.4% 16 8.8%
  Somewhat difficult 426 55.4% 101 55.5%
  Very difficult 139 18.1% 35 19.2%
  Extremely difficult 78 10.1% 30 16.5%
Mean SD Mean SD p-value
Length of depression diagnosis (years) (n=1481; 338) 6.0 5.7 7.1 7.1 0.010*
PHQ-9 total score (n=824; 185) 11.3 7.4 14.1 7.1 <0.001

Note: p-values for comparison of frequencies are from omnibus Pearson chi-square test; p-values for comparison of means are from t-test; asterisk indicates p-value adjusted for violation of homogeneity of variance assumption.