FIG. 1.
The differentiation pattern of Abcg2 null mouse ventral prostate is altered. (A) Quantitation of p63+ basal cells and p63− luminal cells in WT (n=3) and Abcg2 null (n=3) ventral prostate sections immunostained for p63. (P=0.13, basal cells; P<0.001, luminal cells calculated using Student's t test). Quantitation was performed on images captured from 20 representative sites, 6–7 from each mouse. Each point represents number of cells/perimeter length in arbitrary units of prostate basement membrane. (B) Immunohistochemistry staining for p63 of cross-sectional plain of a WT prostate duct and (C) Abcg2 null ventral prostate duct at the age of 10 weeks, bar=50 μm. (D) Magnified areas from (B) and (C) showing tall columnar luminal cells in WT ventral prostate while cuboidal Abcg2 null luminal cells with less cytoplasm, bar=50 μm. Flow cytometry analysis of (E) WT (n=4 pooled ventral prostates) and (F) Abcg2 null (n=4 pooled ventral prostates) ventral prostate cells showing Lin−ScahighCD44high basal and Lin−ScalowCD44low luminal cells. The percentages represent the specific cell population within Lin− cells. (G) Serum testosterone levels of WT (n=18) and Abcg2 null mice (n=20) in ng/mL (P=0.84, calculated using Student's t test). (H) Schematic representation of prostate regression and regeneration followed by androgen deprivation (Cx) and replacement (+T) for one and five cycles. (I) Quantitation of p63− luminal cells in WT (n=3) and Abcg2 null (n=3) ventral prostate sections immunostained for p63. Quantitation was performed on images captured from 7 to 10 representative prostate ducts, 2–3 ducts from each mouse. Each point represents number of cells/prostate gland (Intact, P<0.001; one cycle Cx, P=0.59, one cycle Cx+T, P=0.27; 5 cycle Cx, P=0.1; five cycles Cx+T, P=0.49; calculated using Student's t tests). Flow cytometry analysis of (J) WT (n=4 pooled ventral prostates) and (K) Abcg2 null (n=4 pooled ventral prostates) ventral prostate cells after one cycle of androgen deprivation and replacement (Cx+T) showing Lin−ScahighCD44high basal and Lin− ScalowCD44low luminal cells. Color images available online at