Figure 10.
Effects of NPLT on UVB-induced wrinkling. (A) Experimental protocol. Rats were placed in cages individually and were irradiated by a bank of five Toshiba SE lamps (UVB) without any filtering, three times a week for a total of six weeks. The distance from the lamp to the animal’s hind limbs was 42 cm (irradiance was approximately 0.72 mW/cm2), and a dose of 130 mJ per cm2 (rat 1 suberythemal dose = 170 mJ/cm2) was given three times weekly. The relative spectral contributions of Toshiba SE lamps used in this study were 63%, 36%, and 0.5% in the UVB (290–320 nm), UVA (320–400 nm), and UVC (<290 nm) regions, respectively; (B) Effect of topical application of NPLT on elasticity of UVB-irradiated rat hind limb skin. The skin elasticity, expressed as physical parameters Ue, Uv, Ur, and Uf, was measured with a Cutometer. These measurements were carried out at an age of nine weeks. ***, **, * p < 0.005, 0.01, 0.05 (vs. irradiated/EtOH treatment); ###, ## p < 0.005, 0.01 (vs. unirradiated/untreated); Ue, immediate distension measured at 0.1 s; Uv, delayed distention; Ur, immediate retraction; Uf, final distention. n = 10, values represent mean ± SD; (C) SEM images after topical treatment followed by intravascular injection of Mercox resin and selective digestion at nine weeks; (D) Interrelationship between wrinkle formation, skin elasticity, and elastic fiber linearity.