Representative histological profiles of the femur and L4, taken from sham-operated or OVX rats. Although relatively well-developed trabecular and cortical bone were observed in the long bone-femur and the short bone-L4 of sham control rats, classical osteoporotic histological profiles were demonstrated in OVX control rats as dramatic decreases of trabecular and cortical bone masses, increase of connective tissues in periosteum of cortical bone results from resorption of osteoid tissues related to osteocalst activations in this study. However, dramatic increases of the bone mass and structures, the both trabecular and cortical bones were detected in all test substance administered rats including PCP as compared with OVX control rats, related to their inhibitory activities on osteoclast cell activities, respectively. Especially, mixture 120 and 60 mg/kg treated rats also showed noticeable inhibition of the bone losses and osteoclast cell activations as compared with those of single formula of RC and PCP treated rats, respectively. (A); Shame control rat, (B); OVX control rat, (C); RC 40 mg/kg treated rat, (D); PCP 20 mg/kg treated rat, (E); RC:PCP 2:1 mixture (g/g) 120 mg/kg treated rat, (F); RC:PCP 2:1 mixture (g/g) 60 mg/kg treated rat, (G); RC:PCP 2:1 mixture (g/g) 30 mg/kg treated rat. L4; Fourth lumbar vertebrae, Cb; cortical bone, Tb; trabecular bone, Bm; bone marrow, Gp; growth plate. All Safranin O stained. Scale bars = 480 μm.