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. 2015 Apr 30;10:3245–3267. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S77480

Table 2.

Different approaches of application of BDNF in the treatment of inner ear degenerative diseases

Author, year Animal model Method of administration/timing/dosing Effect Total dose
Administration of purified protein
Implanted osmotic minipump (single)
Miller et al,153 1997 Guinea pigs: kanamycin (400 mg/kg) and ethacrynic acid (40 mg/kg) 14 days/BDNF (50 ng/mL) Statistically significant enhanced SGCs survival BDNF 8.4 ng
Ruan et al,152 1999 Guinea pigs: kanamycin (400 mg/kg) 15, 30, 60 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) Protective effect on HCs was observed at 30 days, but not at 15 and 60 days BDNF 9 μg
BDNF 18 μg
BDNF 36 μg
Shoji et al,149 2000 Guinea pigs: 5-hour noise exposure (4 kHz octave band noise, 115 dB sound pressure level) 12 days/BDNF (1 μg/mL; 10 μg/mL) BDNF did protect the sensory epithelium BDNF 0.144 μg; 1.44 μg
Gillespie et al,155 2003 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (62.5 μg/mL) SGCs survival is increased; decrease in SGCs survival after cessation of treatment BDNF 10 μg
McGuinness and Shepherd,211 2005 Rats: gentamicin, 350 mg/kg + furosemide, 175 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (5.4 μg/mL) Significant rescue of SGCs BDNF 1.35 μg
Radeloff and Smolders,151 2006 Adult pigeons (Columba livia): collagen sponges loaded with 0.5 mg gentamicin placed in front of the round window membrane 56 days/BDNF (625 ng/mL) BDNF did not enhance the time course or the extent of functional recovery and did not decrease the evoked ABR threshold BDNF 0.42 μg
Agterberg et al,212 2008 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) Increased SGCs shape and survival rate and density; no change in ABR BDNF 16.8 μg
Song et al,213 2008 Rats: gentamicin, 250 mg/kg + furosemide 85 mg/kg Delayed intervention (30 days after deafening)/28 days/BDNF (5.4 μg/mL) BDNF enhances SGCs bodies and peripheral processes survival BDNF 1.35 μg
Agterberg et al,214 2009 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) Increased SGCs survival rate; preserved SGCs shape, response comparable BDNF 16.8 μg
Sly et al,215 2012 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (62.5 μg/mL) Improved survival of SGCs, but not an increase in SGCs somal area; decreased tone and click eABR thresholds BDNF 10.5 μg
Leake et al,216 2011 Young cats: neomycin sulfate, 60 mg/kg 70 days/BDNF (94 μg/mL) Improved survival of the cochlear SGC neurons; reduction in thresholds for electrical ABR BDNF 37.5 μg
Waaijer et al,217 2013 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (94 μg/mL) Quantitative and qualitative improvement of peripheral processes BDNF 16.8 μg
van Loon et al,218 2013 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) SGCs significantly bigger in comparison with normal throughout the cochlea BDNF 16.8 μg
Implanted osmotic minipump (combinations)
Shinohara et al,192 2002 Intracochlear infusion of 24 μL of 10% neomycin 26 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) + CNTF (100 ng/mL) SGCs survival rate is increased; ABR threshold is decreased BDNF 31.2 μg + CNTFAX1 31.2 μg
Yamagata et al,219 2004 Guinea pigs: intracochlear infusion of 10% neomycin sulfate for 2 days 14 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) + CNTFAX1 (100 ng/mL). Delay 2 or 6 weeks Density of SGCs is increased; ABR threshold is decreased; 6-week delay increases in ABR threshold in comparison with 2-week delay BDNF 8.4 μg + CNTFAX1 8.4 μg
Wise et al,220 2005 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg Delay treatment 5 or 33 days/28 days/BDNF (50 μg/mL) + NTF (50 μg/mL) Increased SGCs survival rate BDNF 8.4 μg + NTF
Shepherd et al,193 2005 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (62.5 μg/mL) Increased SGCs survival rate; ES did not provide trophic support of SGCs BDNF 10 μg + ES
Miller et al,221 2007 Guinea pigs: kanamycin (420 mg/kg) and ethacrynic acid (60 mg/kg) Delay treatment: 4 days, 3 weeks or 6 weeks/26 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) Increased SGCs survival rate at different treatment delays, but longer delay led to decreased overall SGCs density BDNF 31.2 μg + FGF 1
Shepherd et al,163 2008 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (62.5 μg/mL) +14 or 28 days of ES Chronic ES averted the rapid loss of SGCs that occurred after the withdrawal of exogenous BDNF BDNF 10 μg + ES
Glueckert et al,165 2008 Guinea pigs: kanamycin (450 mg/kg) followed (2 hours later) with ethacrynic acid (60 mg/kg) Immediate and delay (21 days) treatment/26 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) + aFGF (50 ng/mL) SGCs survival is enhanced, number of afferent peripheral processes is increased BDNF 15.6 μg + aFGF
Song et al,161 2009 Rats: gentamicin, 250 mg/kg + furosemide 85 mg/kg Delayed intervention (30 days after deafening)/28 days BDNF (5.4 μg/mL) Combination of ES and BDNF had a synergistic effect: SGCs soma and peripheral process survival was increased BDNF 1.35 μg + ES
Landry et al,162 2011 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 420 mg/kg + furosemide 130 mg/kg 28 days/BDNF (30 μg/mL) Greater SGCs survival and lower response thresholds for eABR. ES in combination with BDNF did not enhance SGCs BDNF 5 μg + ES
Leake et al,160 2013 Young cats: neomycin sulfate, 60 mg/kg 70 days/BDNF (100 μg/mL) SGCs numerical density had been increased BDNF 37.5 μg + ES
Viral mediated BDNF delivery systems
Staecker et al,170 1998 CBA/6J mice: 10 μL of neomycin 10−1 mol/L solution Intracochlear injection through RWM into scala tympani of 10 μL HSV containing BDNF cDNA for transfection of the SGCs Up to 95% of the original population of SGCs survived at 28 days HSV.BDNF
Lalwani et al,222 2002 Guinea pigs: kanamycin (400 mg/kg) and ethacrynic acid (40 mg/kg) Implanted osmotic minipump/8.3 days/AAV-BDNF/GFP (3×106 viral particles/mL) SGCs survival was increased in basal turn AAV-BDNF/GFP
Nakaizumi et al,172 2004 Guinea pigs: kanamycin (400 mg/kg) and ethacrynic acid (50 mg/kg) 5 μL of an adenoviral suspension injected into the scala tympani through the RWM/28 days SGCs survival was increased; no protective action of CNTF was observed Ad.BDNF; Ad.BDNF + Ad.CNTF
Rejali et al,171 2007 Guinea pigs: with kanamycin (420 mg/kg) and ethacrynic acid (52.5 mg/kg) CI electrode coated by fibroblast cells transduced by a viral vector with a BDNF gene insert/48 days Spiral ganglion survival was enhanced in basal turn. Cells infected by Ad.BDNF placed on the CI in an agarose matrix could survive for weeks Ad.BDNF, fibroblast cells
Chikar et al,173 2008 Guinea pigs: direct infusion of 60 μL of 10% neomycin into the perilymph Single injection + intracochlear implant/80 days expression Increased SGC survival rate; decrease in eABR threshold 5 μL Ad.BDNF (20×109 adenoviral particles)
Wise et al,169 2010 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg Single injection of viral vectors into the scala media Detection of localized gene expression; protection SGCs from degeneration BDNF Ad vectors
Shibata et al,177 2010 Guinea pigs: 10 μL of 10% neomycin sulfate solution into the scala tympani perilymph Inoculation with viral vectors into the scala media (adenoviral or adeno-associate viral particle)/14 or 30 days Increase in the density of SGCs and inducing of nerve fibers growth 5 μL of Ad.BDNF, 20×109 Ad particles; 5 μL of AAV2.GFP-BDNF, 8.4×109 AAV2 particles
Fukui et al1432012 Deaf Pou4f3 mutant mice Adenoviral vector with a mouse BDNF gene insert, driven by the cytomegalovirus promoter Increased number of nerve fibers in the auditory epithelium and survival rate of the auditory neurons in Rosenthal’s canal 1 mL of Ad.BDNF (4×109 adenoviral particles)
Other delivery systems
Li et al2232005 Rats: the induction of bacterial meningitis by Streptococcus pneumoniae Intracerebroventricular administration 6 μg BDNF once a day, 7 days + antibiotic therapy Decrease in the eABR threshold BDNF 42 μg
Ito et al1782005 Guinea pigs: kanamycin (420 mg/kg) and ethacrynic acid (25 mg/kg) Biodegradable hydrogel immersed in 84 μg BDNF was placed on the RWM Successful development of a novel strategy for drug application to the inner ear; number of surviving SGCs was increased; significant reduce in the eABR threshold was detected BDNF 84 μg
Meen et al1482009 Guinea pigs: 15 mg/kg intraperitoneal cisplatin Cochleostomy, single placement of pure BDNF into the cochlea Prevention of hearing loss BDNF 0.05 μg
Meen et al1542010 Guinea pigs: 15 mg/kg intraperitoneal cisplatin Cochleostomy, single placement of pure BDNF into the cochlea No changes in eABR click thresholds BDNF 0.05 μg
Havenith et al1792011 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 400 mg/kg + furosemide 100 mg/kg Gelfoam® (Pharmacia and Upjohn) containing BDNF, placed on the round window membrane/28 days Increased SGC survival rate in basal turn, but no effect on SGC shape and size; no effect on eABR thresholds BDNF 6 μg
Pettingill et al1822011 Guinea pigs: kanamycin sulfate, 520 mg/kg + furosemide 130 mg/kg Shwann cell-based gene transfer combined with alginate encapsulation technology/28 days Greater auditory SGCs survival BDNF-Schwann cells encapsulated in a biocompatible matrix

Abbreviations: BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; SGCs, spiral ganglion cells; HCs, hair cells; ABRs, auditory brainstem responses; CNTF, ciliary neurotrophic factor; NTF, neurotrophic factor; ES, electrical stimulation; FGF1, fibroblast growth factor 1; aFGF, acidic fibroblast growth factor; eABR, electronic ABR; HSV, herpes simplex virus; RWM, round window membrane; AAV, adeno-associated virus; GFP, green fluorescent protein; CI, cochlear implant; Ad.BDNF, adenovirus vector containing BDNF.