Figure 1.
Summary of Experiment
The experiment was performed on 2 days (upper and lower rows). On each day, the experiment was divided into two sessions (left and right columns), separated by a short break (gap between columns). Time is denoted by the horizontal axis. In each trial of the experiment, a masker was presented lasting 30 s (gray blocks), followed by four periods in which the subject rated the intensity of his tinnitus (green blocks) that were separated by three silent taskless recording periods of 10 s each (pale green/white blocks) whose data formed the basis of further analysis. Note that the duration of each session was not fixed, but rather depended on the sum of response times (green blocks) across a fixed number of repetitions. The rating scale used consisted of integers from −2 to +2 (though the range of responses given by the subject was −1 to 1, as shown here). A rating of 0 corresponded to the subject’s usual baseline tinnitus intensity, which he confirmed was the same as it had been immediately before the start of each experiment. Each recording period had a tinnitus rating value assigned to it that was the average of the ratings immediately preceding and following that period; these ratings were mainly −0.5 (average of −1, preceding, and 0, following) or 0. Data corresponding to the single rating of +1 (0 pre and +2 post) on day 2 were removed prior to analysis. As tinnitus ratings showed some correlation with overall time elapsed since the start of the experiment and with time elapsed since the end of the preceding masker, the tinnitus ratings were orthogonalized with respect to these variables, yielding partial tinnitus ratings. Tinnitus ratings corresponding to each recording period are shown in blue, and the corresponding partial ratings are shown in red. Note that partial tinnitus ratings have been centered to a mean of zero as part of the partialization process. See also Figure S1 for the subject’s audiological assessment.