(A) Same recording configuration as described in Figure 4E.
(B) Different example cell but the same excitability experiment as described in Figure 4F. Left, overlay of 10 sweeps in which dynamic-clamp was used to model the three standard CT-evoked conductances. Right, population PSTHs (5 ms bins) plotting difference in spike rates (i.e., trials with CT conductances versus control trials) for the first and tenth CT stimuli (n = 14 cells from 6 mice).
(C) Similar excitability experiment for the cell shown in B, but short-term facilitation of the excitatory conductances (g-AMPA and g-NMDA) was removed by statically repeating the first conductances across the train (n = 6 cells from 4 mice).
(D) Similar excitability experiment for the cell shown in B, but short-term depression of the inhibitory conductance (g-GABA) was removed, again by repeating the first conductance across the train (n = 7 cells from 4 mice). Data are represented as mean ± SEM.