(A) Schematic of recording configuration.
(B) Left, Simultaneous local field potential (LFP) and intracellular recording of a ChR2-expressing CT cell in L6 during light ramp stimulation (1 s). LFP electrode located in L5b, at the level of CT cell apical dendrites. Right, Expanded traces of the period indicated by dashed red rectangle. Asterisk indicates truncated spike.
(C) Average LFP power spectrum for same recording session shown in (B) (7 sweeps). For display, data were high-pass filtered (2 Hz).
(D) Spike-triggered LFP averages for the LFP-cell pair in (B) (114 spikes). Similar spike-LFP phase-locking occurred in 6/6 cells (from 3 mice).
(E) Left, Simultaneous LFP and intracellular voltage-clamp recording (from –54 mV) of a ChR2-expressing CT cell during light ramp stimulation (1 s). Right, Expanded traces of the period indicated by the dashed red rectangle.
(F) Average IPSC power spectrum for the LED condition for the same recording session shown in (E) (7 sweeps). For display, data were high-pass filtered (2 Hz).
(G) Cross-correlation of IPSCs and LFP during light ramp stimulation for the same LFP-cell pair shown in (E). IPSCs recorded in L6 CT cells were strongly phase-locked with the locally recorded LFP (Peak negative correlation: −0.67 ± 0.05, n = 5 cells from 3 mice). Data are represented as mean ± SEM.