Figure 1. Discovery and Replication of the HNF1A p.E508K Variant.
Forest plot showing odds ratio estimates and 95% confidence intervals at p.E508K (squared boxes) from the 4 SIGMA studies, the SIGMA pooled mega-analysis, the replication studies, and the overall meta-analysis. Odds ratios for the meta-analyses are represented with a diamond. SIGMA mega-analysis represents the combined results from the 4 SIGMA studies. DMS indicates Diabetes in Mexico Study; MCDS, Mexico City Diabetes Study; MEC, Multiethnic Cohort; UIDS, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán Diabetes Study; T2D-GENES, Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Exploration by Next-Generation Sequencing in Multi-Ethnic Samples.
aRepresents data from the current article.