1. Sustained mutual relationships- harmonious or conflictual |
2. Shared ways of engaging in doing things together |
3.The rapid flow of information and propagation of innovation |
4. Absence of introductory preambles, as if conversations were merely the continuation of an ongoing process |
5. Very quick setup of a problem to be discussed |
6. Substantial overlap in participants’ descriptions of who belongs |
7. Knowing what others know, what they could do, and how they could contribute to an enterprise |
8. Mutually identifying identities |
9. The ability to assess the appropriateness of actions and products |
10. Specific tools, representations, and other artifacts |
11. Local lore, shared stories, inside jokes, knowing laughter |
12. Jargon and shortcuts to communication as well as the ease of producing new ones |
13. Certain styles recognized as displaying membership expressions. |
14. A shared discourse reflecting a certain perspective on the world |