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. 2015 May 7;282(1806):20150103. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0103

Table 2.

Phylogenetic signals of species traits, and effect of traits with signal on C/N ratio change and microbial biomass, which in turn relate to phylogenetic distance (figure 1). (The left part of the table gives Blomberg's K (which increases with the strength of phylogenetic signal), and associated p-values (which compare observed variances of phylogenetically independent contrasts of a trait to a null expectation). Significant results are shown in bold, and marginally significant results are shown in italic. The right part of the table focuses on the traits that show at least a marginally significant phylogenetic signal and explores how differences of these traits relate to C/N changes and microbial biomass, accounting for trait means, their interaction with trait difference and mass loss (see Material and methods).)

relationship of trait difference to
C/N ratio change
microbial biomass
phylogenetic signal traits K p-values t p t p
SLA 0.482 0.062 3.059 0.018 1.527 0.171
toughness 0.164 0.779
P concentration 0.616 0.019 2.709 0.030 −1.646 0.144
pH 0.315 0.317
Dry matter content 0.128 0.861
lignin concentration 0.916 0.001 −1.386 0.208 −0.498 0.634
N concentration 0.246 0.506
C concentration 0.174 0.683
C/N 0.260 0.417
total phenolics 0.206 0.635
non-tannin phenols 0.489 0.063 −0.435 0.677 −2.310 0.054
tannins 0.149 0.838