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. 2015 May 11;9:121. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00121

Table 1.

Results of the functional connectivity analyses for seed regions in (A) the frontal cortex (i.e., left and right IFG, ACC), (B) subcortical regions (i.e., left Put, right Cd), and (C) the medial (i.e., left HC) and lateral temporal cortex (i.e., mSTG).

Region Cluster size t value MNI
x y z
(A) ACC: general
L putamen 93 5.09 −12 −2 8
R precentral gyrus 41 4.89 52 −12 36
ACC: repetition > evoked
R superior temporal gyrus 108 4.64 60 −18 6
R superior temporal gyrus 4.03 58 −34 12
Left IFG: general (−)
L superior parietal lobule 321 7.29 −38 −78 38
L superior occipital gyrus 4.93 −22 −80 40
L middle occipital gyrus 76 5.31 −44 −74 28
L angular gyrus 3.61 −36 −66 30
L middle frontal gyrus 51 5.08 −30 16 50
L precentral gyrus 81 4.78 −52 6 32
L hippocampus 38 4.54 −32 −30 −14
Right IFG: general
L precentral gyrus 103 5.76 −56 −6 24
R precentral gyrus 101 4.44 48 −12 38
Right IFG: repetition > evoked
R superior temporal gyrus 364 5.83 62 −12 4
R superior temporal gyrus 4.58 60 −36 8
(B) Left Puts: general (−)
L superior temporal gyrus 105 4.91 −48 −36 8
L middle occipital gyrus 94 4.55 −38 −76 32
Right Cd: general (−)
L cingulate gyrus 69 5.52 −6 34 28
R inferior parietal lobule 180 5.45 52 −30 52
R middle frontal gyrus 67 5.39 12 0 44
L superior parietal lobule 45 5.23 −16 −54 66
R middle frontal gyrus 87 5.21 26 26 44
R middle frontal gyrus 99 4.79 40 22 34
L paracentral lobule 61 4.75 −2 −42 66
R superior frontal gyrus 184 4.50 30 −8 66
R precentral gyrus 4.06 32 −10 60
(C) Left mSTG: general
L superior temporal gyrus 34 4.82 −64 −30 2
Right mSTG: general
R precentral gyrus 63 4.74 46 −12 40
L precentral gyrus 45 4.24 −58 −10 44
Right mSTG: repetition > evoked
R superior temporal gyrus 285 6.70 62 −34 14
L superior temporal gyrus 39 4.23 −52 −18 0
L superior temporal sulcus 3.75 −52 −14 −6
Left HC: evoked > repetition
L cingulate gyrus 36 4.77 −14 8 44

Functional connections were obtained independently of the task (general), or were significantly increased for the repetition task (repetition > evoked) or for the evoked task (evoked > repetition). Negative functional connections are indicated by a minus in brackets (−).