Tornado plots of one-way sensitivity analyses for ranibizumab 0.5 mg PRN compared with aflibercept 2q8.
Notes: The NMB in the base-case scenario is £6,768 for ranibizumab 0.5 mg PRN versus aflibercept. Model parameters varied in the sensitivity analyses are shown on the Y axis. The first model parameter in brackets was used to obtain the lower NMB while the second model parameter was used to obtain the higher NMB.
Assumptions used to determine the input range for the tornado plot: Ranibizumab PRN versus aflibercept OR values are based on the 95% CrI from the published network meta-analysis.24 The range in the number of ranibizumab PRN injections over 3 years was based on the 95% confidence interval from the RESTORE 36-month data.40 The range in the number of PRN injections in the first year was based on the weighted injection average across RESTORE16 and RESPOND.41 The lower value for the number of aflibercept injections assumed the same injection frequency as the ranibizumab PRN regimen. Ranibizumab maximal monitoring frequency assumed monthly monitoring (as described in the RESTORE protocol).16
Abbreviations: PRN, pro re nata; 2q8, 2 mg every 8 weeks after five initial monthly doses; NMB, net monetary benefit; CrI, credible interval.