Fig 2.
Percent with change in the maxillary first molar distance from the palatal plane. Note that 60% of the patients had the molar intruded 2 to 4 mm during the splint therapy for intrusion (T1–T2), but only 1 patient had greater than 4 mm of intrusion. During the postintrusion orthodontic treatment, only 2 patients (7%) had 2 to 4 mm of reeruption of the maxillary molars; during the first posttreatment year (T3–T4), 3 patients (11%) had 2 to 4 mm of downward movement, most likely caused by continued vertical growth. From the end of treatment to the more than 2-year recall, 4 patients (16%) had 2 to 4 mm of downward movement, which was also largely due to vertical growth.