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. 2015 May 12;47(1):44. doi: 10.1186/s12711-015-0120-x

Table 3.

Description of SNPs significantly associated with meat quality traits in Erhualian and DLY pigs

Traits 2 Peak SNP No. 3 Chr Pos (bp) 4 PPL 5 Nearest genes 6 Freq 7 Effects 8 P -value 9
LM_pH24h ss131409440 1 9 144 399 17 INTS7 0.67 0.088 9.78E-06
SM_pH24h ss131225834 1 3 15 271 92 WBSCR17 0.33 0.185 3.13E-06
LM_pHdrop_45min-24 h ss107857062 1 16 79 490 30 c SEMA5A 0.53 0.158 8.05E-06
LM_DripEZ_24h ss131261254 1 4 44 336 60 ENSSSCG00000019169 0.15 0.686 7.97E-09
LM_DripEZ_24h ss478940762 2 4 35 761 053 RIMS2 0.12 0.618 2.62E-06
LM_DripEZ_24h ss131270350 1 4 85 151 430 ST18 0.14 1.092 6.26E-06
SM_DripEZ_24h ss131134976 1 1 181 797 733 MEGF11 0.50 0.247 2.31E-06
LM_ColorM_a24h ss131341943 1 7 31 500 144 KLHL31 0.60 0.505 9.1E-06
LM_ColorM_a24h ss478937995 3 12 58 130 567 b MYH3 0.18 0.945 1.04E-05
LM_ColorM_a24h ss131565824 1 5 2 588 817 EFCAB6 0.65 0.545 1.18E-05
LM_ColorM_b24h ss120027962 1 14 11 463 494 BNIP3L 0.02 1.628 3.64E-06
LM_ColorM_b24h ss478937995 2 12 58 130 567 b MYH3 0.18 0.976 1.65E-05
LM_ColorScore_24h ss131352394 1 7 5 406 955 a EEF1E1 0.74 0.234 5.49E-06
LM_ColorScore_24h ss131461879 1 12 36 158 023 SUPT4H1 0.63 0.208 2.29E-05
SM_ColorM_b24h ss107878019 1 12 9 939 154 ENSSSCG00000025361 0.95 1.435 1.88E-05
SM_ColorScore_24h ss478943784 1 17 56 358 556 SULF2 0.33 0.235 7.70E-06
LM_MoistureContent ss131186989 1 2 43 911 957 LDHA 0.01 1.010 5.18E-06
LM_MoistureContent ss131458048 1 12 24 427 829 NFE2L1 0.01 0.860 5.31E-06
LM_MoistureContent ss131054125 1 8 14 014 229 ENSSSCG00000029791 0.51 0.653 8.07E-06
LM_MoistureContent ss131538960 2 16 74 982 852 c MFAP3 0.86 1.112 1.67E-05
LM_Firmness ss131096544 2 12 57 123 997 b WDR16 0.72 0.232 4.10E-06
LM_Firmness ss478937524 1 7 7 764 396 a TMEM14C 0.64 0.225 1.81E-05
LM_DripEZ_36h ss131494523 1 13 141 530 003 FAM43A 0.36 0.435 1.53E-05
LM_DripEZ_36h ss131400253 1 9 95 957 104 d SNX13 0.88 0.740 1.57E-05
LM_ColorM_a36h ss107833468 1 15 134 397 712 e RESP18 0.37 0.245 1.78E-05
LM_ColorM_b36h ss107856037 1 15 92 671 886 AGPS 0.32 0.569 9.17E-06
LM_ColorScore_36h ss131398982 1 9 84 832 035 d ASNS 0.62 0.122 4.78E-06
LM_ColorScore_36h ss131528409 1 15 127 419 860 e IKZF2 0.56 0.153 7.27E-06
LM_ColorScore_36h ss107897208 1 9 45 577 347 NCAM1 0.44 0.148 9.96E-06
LM_ColorScore_36h ss107799219 1 0 0 0.98 0.543 1.46E-05
LM_Firmness ss131184920 1 2 34 977 540 KIF18A 0.37 0.172 1.47E-05

1Chinese Erhualian indigenous population and Western Duroc × (Landrace × Yorkshire) commercial population; 2description of the traits is in Table 1; 3number of SNPs that surpassed the suggestive significance level within the QTL regions; 4positions of the most significant SNP according to the Sus Scrofa Build 10.2 assembly; 5possible pleiotropic loci (PPL) were indicated by common letters on different rows; 6annotated genes nearest to the most significant SNP; gene names starting with ENSSSCG follow the Ensembl nomenclature while other gene symbols follow the HUGO nomenclature; 7,8frequencies and effects of the allele that increases phenotype value in the two populations; 9genome-wide significant associations are underlined.