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. 2015 May 1;14:38. doi: 10.1186/s12940-015-0027-6

Table 1.

Selected age-standardized characteristics of the Nurses’ Health Study participants throughout follow-up 6/2000-5/2006

Characteristic Mean (SD) or %
Na 108,767
Person-yearsa 628,186
Age (in years)a 69.0 (7.3)
Caucasian race 94
BMI (kg/m2) 25.8 (7.4)
Average PM2.5 over the previous 12 months
Spatio-temporal model 12.0 (2.8)
Nearest USEPA monitor 12.7 (3.1)
Smoking status
  Never 44
  Former 45
  Current 10
Pack-yearsb 24.3 (21.8)
Physical activity (MET hr/week)
  <3 23
  3 to <9 21
  9 to <18 18
  18 to <27 11
  > = 27 MET 19
Alternative Healthy Eating Index 175 (95)
Hypertension 53
Hypercholesterolemia 61
Diabetes 11
Individual level SES
     RN degree 73
     Housewife mother at age 16 64
     Professional or manager father at age 16 26
     Married 64
     Husband’s education
      less than high school 4
      high school 26
      greater than high school 35
Census tract SES
     Median home value ($1,000) 170.2 (124.9)
     Median income ($1,000) 63.4 (24.4)

aValue not age adjusted.

bAmong ever smokers only.