Figure 3.
The Ashwell-Morell receptor mediates the hepatic recognition and clearance of long-term refrigerated platelets. (a) βGalactose exposure on glycoproteins is detected with RCA I and ECA lectins. Lectin binding to fresh (22 °C), short-term cooled (0 °C) or long-term refrigerated (4 °C) platelets are compared. Exposure of βGlcNAc residues on platelet glycoprotein is detected with the sWGA lectin. The mean fluorescence detected on fresh platelets (22 °C) is defined as 1. Histograms report the mean ± s.e.m. for 3 separate experiments. (b) Long-term refrigerated platelets were co-injected with asialofetuin (ASF/4 °C), a competitive binding inhibitor of the Ashwell-Morell receptor, or fetuin as control (Fet/4 °C) (**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001). Fresh control platelets were also transfused (22 °C). Data are compared to platelet recoveries and survivals of fresh platelets. (c) Short-term cooled platelets were co-injected with asialofetuin (ASF/0 °C), or fetuin (Fet/0 °C) (**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001). Fresh platelets were transfused as a control (22 °C). Data are compared to platelet recoveries and survivals of fresh platelets. (d) Survival of transfused long-term refrigerated (4 °C) or fresh platelets (22 °C) in mice of indicated genotypes. Data on 22 °C platelet clearance: mean of 6 mice ± s.e.m.; Data on 4 °C platelet clearance: mean of 3-5 mice ± s.e.m.